CPC Exam Past Papers

Are you Preparing to sit your CPC exams? We have collated a wealth of case study papers from OCR & SEGA. You can download these papers to help your studies. CILT do not release past exam papers.

If you want to pass your CPC exams, you need to enrol on one of our highly successful CPC courses. Click below for more information.

MDR also offers a full multiple-choice practice exam suite. Click below to access the portal.

Transport Manager CPC Case Study exam

Are you studying the Transport Manager CPC? Looking to practice the case study exam? You can download the last five years’ OCR CPC past papers and a selection SEGA past papers. Each case study contains the case study scenario, the question paper, and the associated examiner’s report (if available).

These past exam papers will help you prepare to sit your CPC exams. You should replicate the exam setting as much as possible when attempting these papers.

Remember, you can use your course material for reference! The examiner’s report will provide insight into the pitfalls and common mistakes made on the papers, as well as dissecting the questions, helping you hone your knowledge ready for the CPC case study exam.

If you are studying towards the CPC exams, you can learn more about our range of Transport Manager CPC courses.

You can download the case study, question papers and examiner’s report for all OCR CPC past papers dating back to 2017.

Remember that figures and rules may have changed since these papers were released. These papers are still a great resource for practising costings and scheduling questions.

Those currently studying with us remember the e-learning postal contains many more practice papers and exercises, and your tutor is there to review each submission you make. Click here if you are looking for CPC multi-choice practice papers.

For more information on our tutor-supported CPC home learning package, click here. If you would like more information on the portal or would like a trial session to see how it would benefit you, call 01530 834 554.

OCR CPC past papers for Road Haulage

OCR CPC past papers for Passenger Transport

SEG CPC Past Papers

The Skills and Education Group started offering CPC exams from June 2021. We have made all SEG past papers available for you to download, along with the examiners’ reports to give you an insight into how well the papers were answered and the pitfalls of that particular exam. You are allowed 2 hours 15 minutes to complete each paper. You can use any notes you have to answer the questions. If you plan to sit your CPC exam, you might benefit from our two day exam preparation session. We hold CPC exam prep sessions before each exam. Click here for our CPC exam preparation sessions.

SEG CPC past papers for Road Haulage

SEG CPC past papers for Passenger Transport